Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Lifetime Warranty is a true warranty

Our Lifetime Warranty is a Magnasen-Moss compliant.

Your customers can have their vehicle repaired at any licensed repair shop in North America.

It is not a "Loyalty" Program.

Our dealers are seeing an increase in traffic, sales and gross.

It works in concert with your current F&I provider, no need to make a change.

We have found that VSC, Maintenance and other finance procuct volume increases, not decreases, which many people think would happen. The reason is that your customers have a heightened awarness of taking care of their vehcile to protect their invenstment.

Our dealers see an increase in service retention and customer repair orders.

What are you waiting for... contact me today... make your June the largest June in your history, it can happen for you... just like it is happening for our other dealers.

Titan is standing by to assist.

David Farmer

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